
Retired Not Useless

Following G & JC's letter, I want to say that it is sickening to think of retired people as being almost useless. Some people retire in their early 50s did you know that?

Would you make yourself available to drive your parents from the time they retire until they die? I doubt that you have enough compassion to do it. I witnessed the sorrow of an elderly man when his driver licence's was not renewed for health reasons.

His doctor's decision was the right one of course. I agree that some elderly people should not be driving, who should we blame for that? Doctors? Neighbours? Family ? Friends? It's all of us!

Now I wonder if family members let their parents drive even when it becomes obvious its not safe anymore. Is it because they don't want the responsibilities ahead.

There are many of us, retired and 50+ in Kelowna and we are not dead yet. We are active and busy, there is so much we can do. I am not going to sit in a rocking chair knitting or watching soap opera. I'll walk by the lake. I'll ride my bike. I'll drive to the golf course. I'll drive to the shopping mall.

Why don't we look around and see if there is someone who needs a ride somewhere because he or she is not allowed to drive anymore? How would you feel if you have to surrender your driving licence the day you retire?


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