
Read News Or Not!

Well here we go again. Castanet is being flooded with angry letters from individuals finding problems with their content. This time it deals with images from a war torn nation where human life is not valued. You know the last time I checked Castanet is a homepage but it is also a NEWS SOURCE. In being a news source Castanet has the responsibility in reporting all news in a fair and unbiased manner.

News sources do not have the option of just “picking and choosing” stories that fit criteria. There are no criteria in the news. I personally choose to view the video and images brutal as they are. But in doing this I also remembered one thing. “Warning these images are VERY graphic and BRUTAL”.

This warning was posted at every link. If an individual chooses to keep clicking that mouse then they have no one to blame but themselves for anything they see that might offend or disgust them. I applaud Castanet for always providing up to the minute and informative news. Castanet has always made sure that any news stories they post have a warning if content is offensive or otherwise. Lets remember that by visiting a news source we are going to see and read NEWS.

Good Job Castanet!

Loyal Castanet reader


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