
Lowest Scum Of Earth

Somewhere in Kelowna there is a very sick person torturing and killing cats. This person is the lowest scum of the earth. Anyone who hurts or kills someone or something weaker and unable to put up a fair fight is the biggest coward going. Only someone who is very weak minded and spineless would do something like this.

Once the thrill is gone from killing cats what or who will be next. If this is indeed a teenager, the parents must have some clue as to what is going on with their child. Is there not blood on clothing lying around as a clue? The parents are just as responsible for burying their heads in the sand and not being aware as to what their child is up to.

Wake up people. Someone out there knows who is doing this. They know someone who is so mentally weak that they have to pick on innocent victims to feel powerful. Who is it? Quit being a coward and come forward. You need help! Acknowledge it and do something about it.


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