
COVID vs. overdoses

Re: Highest-ever overdose rate

Once again, overdoses hit the news of Castanet. This time to tell us B.C. is hitting numbers it has never seen in overdose death counts. The numbers?  1,202 have died this year of overdose.  If you factor that out over 10 months, that's 133 people a month.  PER MONTH.  

COVID numbers? 253 people have died in B.C. from COVID. If you factor that out over 6 months, since the pandemic was declared, that's 42 people per month. Just to be clear, if you factored this year's overdose deaths over 6 months, since the pandemic started, that's 200 people a month. Four times as many.

You tell me, what pandemic are we actually fighting? Let's be straight, our government sees the answer to fighting overdose as 'safe injection sites'. Which is actually adding deaths through free needles and locations to overdose.

It sees fighting COVID is vaccination, quarantine camps, lockdowns and isolation, mandatory mask wearing and hand washing, telling you your business needs to shut down, your kids can't go to school, people of faith can't attend their places of worship, telling us we can't travel or cross borders. Pretty extreme measures for such small numbers.

I'm ready, fight me with your responses about how all these regulations 'save lives'. How many lives? I don't know, but if we were really interested in saving lives, why don't we turn the COVID quarantine camps into rehab centres, safe injection sites money into mental health assistance and mandatory vaccination and mask wearing into mandatory housing for the homeless.

Shonah Nykiforuk

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