
Start At The Bottom

I agree with some of the many letters and comments regarding EI and Welfare recipients. I am a 25 year old female who works 4 part-time jobs - for a few reasons: I don't like living pay-cheque to pay-cheque and enjoy having a little cash in my pocket, as well, it's interesting having different jobs - I tend not to get bored easily.

I had a short-lived experience with EI in 2002 when I was laid off one of my primary jobs for 3 1/2 months and had found that I would have to move because I could not afford to pay my rent as well as living expenses and car payments (I cannot live without my car, with having multiple jobs, sometimes travelling to 3 a day). I was lucky to have some kind friends let me stay with them for a few months until I started back working full time hours again.

My experience with EI was excruciating - I was being compensated an average of $20/week (the job I lost was about $200 net/week), but because I was still part-time employed elsewhere, any monies I made at those other jobs was deducted off my entitled benefit. Because I was still making an effort to work, I was being penalized for it. Yet, I know numerous people that work seasonal jobs - by their choice - and when off work, (my understanding is) they are fully compensated (to the maximum benefit entitled) for it. Why is this?

If you choose to work a job that is specifically seasonal, then it should be your responsibility to find work elsewhere for the off-season. It frustrates me to constantly hear of people collecting from social funds and using our tax dollars because they don't want to work or feel there are not any jobs they 'want' to do. I was extremely glad to be back working full- ime hours and do not want to experience that again. Sometimes, you do have to start at the bottom and do jobs you may not love, but you have to start somewhere.


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