
Child CyberSearch Not Bogus

Hi, my name is Christine and I have been canvassing your neighbourhood on behalf of Child CyberSearch. Tonight I was in Glenrosa canvassing and I had doors slammed in my face and even met up with the RCMP as the officer was questioning my partner as a result of complaints after a news release from Silk FM.

Child CyberSearch is a legitimate non-profit organization. They are headquartered in Ontario and have been since 1995. They recently branched into the west and also opened an office in Michigan, USA. Just like Child Find and the Amber Alert, all they want to do is return missing children to their homes. For some unscrupulous people to try and make a quick buck is detremental to a charity, which is only trying to help the general public.

Non-profit Charities DO NOT need a business licence. Nor, do they need the bad publicity for bogus canvassers. Child CyberSearch has followed all of the government criteria to a "T". Charities better known than this one have been found to be unscrupulous, but we seem to pay the price for it.

All legitimate canvassers have photo I.D. and and I.D. number. PLEASE do not slam your doors on us and PLEASE do not call the RCMP, we are legitimate and only doing a service to the general public. I have three grandchildren and if anything should happen to anyone of them I would want as many organizations as I could possibly find helping with their return.

-Christine McSorley

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