
Hockey just too expensive

Is it really all that surprising how the regular Canadian and one-time hockey fanatic is losing interest?

Certainly, the cost of attending a game in a major Canadian city is not affordable. So, we watch on TV without a real chance to ever attend. The elite attend, and good for them. But if they start to lose interest at some point,      who goes then?

Toronto, $113 US, Vancouver  $84.97 US ... but why not, the players are paid in American dollars.  

Mom, dad, one kid, parking, gas, can cost over $400. Now there's a great bargain.

I pulled the following numbers from NHL sites.

Rookie with new collective agreement, $925,000 or times 1.4 in Canadian money. The NHL lists its average salary at $3.42 million US. Career length, 5.3 years.

The average dude in the league will earn a gross of $14 million US before taxes in his career. Excellent for them!  Cash it and laugh as you head to the bank.

In Canada, look up average family income.

There are no solutions until hockey in Canada finally implodes. The NHL needs to modernize, think outside the box, make big changes.

How about increase the size of the ice surface, increase stadium seating to 75,000 seats. Ask the Sea Hawk fans, Manchester United, Brazil, MLB parks in the nose bleeds, if just being there isn't pretty magical.

Then charge 25 bucks for those seats. Do something, or it will end.

Ken Warren

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