
Seniors don't deserve this

Re: the letter “Not in any neighbourhood”

If Daryl Kitsul is referring to the community surrounding the proposed “wet” supportive housing facility for Agassiz Road in Kelowna, he is absolutely correct. People “should rethink what they say before they say it” – more specifically, himself.

Once again, we in the area are being called names and made to look evil with disparaging comments. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I do not believe anyone in our community has referred to it as a “high-end neighbourhood.” High density, full of seniors? Yes, many times. But not a “high-end area,” full of “stuck up individuals with their nose up in the air.”

We are a community that pays their taxes, love where we live, and moved here for a reason. For the 600-plus seniors in the area, many of whom do not drive, it was to live within walking distance to shopping, services, and entertainment. For some, it is to be someplace that is literally a stone’s throw away from their place of worship. 

The larger concern for our community is the fact that this “wet” facility will allow the use of illicit drugs by the residents on site, in their suites.

Having 50-plus individuals who in large part suffer from addiction and/or mental illness, in one location, will undoubtably bring undesirables who supply or prey upon them into the area.   

Our seniors should not have their freedoms stripped from them for fear of the unsavory element that this facility, as currently proposed, will bring into the neighbourhood. 

Rob Yanchuk, Kelowna

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