
Last chance for reform

It is not so much a better method of accounting votes and assignment of seats that people want in electoral reform. Past surveys show what people really want is a fundamental change in culture toward something that replaces domination by cynical, partisan warfare and grating, rhetorical assaults, a useless, cartoonish legislature, double-talk answers and politically stilted decisions.

It needs to be, and it can be, replaced with something that is based more on reason, study of issues, and the application of methodical intellect to accomplish everyday governance. Parties yes, compete yes, but to a healthy and smart degree, not destructively so.

If there is merit in the current system, it is hard to see. The legislature has been made to be a useless thing, and laws written and announced in advance are never altered in the legislative process. We have to watch this painful, empty process as if it had some real meaning, but the harsh reality is the legislature could be gone tomorrow and nothing would change.

The iron fist militancy of party discipline robs the public of democratic representation because party leadership demands the members support party policies no matter what the representative may personally think. Thus, constituents are robbed of true democratic representation under this system.

We are further robbed of representation by FPTP when it is shown that in the last three elections, governments were elected with a 43.4 per cent average of the total vote, which means that 56.6 per cent of the electorate are unrepresented. This majority gets only fringe seat onlooker rights and has no weight in government decisions. 

These extremes need to be adjusted through a new system that lowers the power of the party leadership few and raises the power of elected members of the legislature. Free voices are absolutely essential to good decisions and progress, for innovative solutions to long standing neglected problems, and we are bereft of this. I am sure that people are not so naive as to think that politics can be all sweetness and light, but certainly a method to provide a better balance to our status quo is vital to better governance.

Also be aware that there are certain interest groups trying a full court press to defeat any change. They use scare tactics to create uncertainty and are betting that we have no courage. 

If you believe co-operation is always better than conflict, you will have a chance to make comprehensive, remedial change in the upcoming referendum on electoral reform. This is not a tiny, optional exercise, but one vital to your own interests given the enormous bearing of government in your daily life. I am afraid this is your last chance – you should treat it accordingly.

Roy Roope, Summerland


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