
Twisting The Truth

Lucien Marcelot recently in a letter to Castanet described the Federal Liberals as liars and thieves. As of today we do not have the bottom line as to the exact amount of money the “Action” scandal will cost Canadian tax payers. However, it is quite likely the government will recoup some of the funds gone astray.

Since Liberals are liars and thieves, and if you would like to take the time to discover the following as reported in Google and the News Media, the Provincial NDP government bought three (3) PacifiCat fast ferries at a cost of 450 million dollars on the backs of all B.C. tax payers and sold them back to Washington Marine Group, who helped build the fast ferries for slightly more than 19 million dollars.

Now if you do the math and determine the “Action” scandal might be around 300 million on the backs of tax payers of which an undetermined amount will be recovered, and the fast ferries cost to tax payers is 450 million with around 20 million recovered, the Fed Liberals seem to come out on top.

Now I ask you, who is twisting the truth or leaving out some facts and where did a lot of the monies to build the fast ferries go---USA and where did the funds go for the “Action” business, Canada, Canadians.

-Dale Dirks

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