
A letter of thanks

Re: Ellis St. assault - April 1, 2016  

To all the amazing people out there. 
I am totally brought to tears for all the thoughts, prayers, help from strangers and friends and the kindnesses that have allowed me to keep our family in much of the life we knew without having that taken away as well.  That day may come but thanks so many there is hope it will be on our terms.  It will hopefully allow me to heal but today apparently still fight to get proper assistance.
I want thank all the people who have given privately and through the Go Fund Me page so graciously. I wanted to thank certain people specifically but realized that everyone has given to their ability and heart. It would unfair for me to put one person above another. I thank you all. My daughter and I thank you.    

I do also want to be able to finally thank the ladies who came to my daughter’s and my rescue outside the bakery. I don’t know who or how many. But you deserve as big a “thank you” as the construction workers that saved the police officer that same day. You gave a young child a father, and me the opportunity to continue watch and be a part of a very special child’s life.  I am very aware this could have ended much worse so… thank you from my heart. 

This whole experience as opened my eyes to a whole different world.  A world of brain injury.  A world that I most likely would have shrugged off and look at people different. Now I am lucky to be high functioning but go through much of the same as other brain injury, stroke, and mental illness people.  A world where sometimes you are trapped in your own self and simple things are very frustrating like being lost inside yourself.  

With the knowledge I have gained, I hope someday to help others.  Not sure what that looks like yet but I see so many needs now.  Today is a day to use this freedom you have given; to heal, rest, figure the future out, and be thank you for your graciousness.  Tomorrow a time to give back.  

Thank you.

Jack Smith

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