
Enough Fire Paranoia Already

Alright, I'm getting really tired of the almost daily media terror campaign warning us we just might burn to death at any minute.

I've heard enough from "local fire officials" and I think I get the point. I won't throw smokes out my window, I won't leave campfires unattended and I will not go for walks along the greenway just in case I spontaneously combust and touch off a rampaging blaze of global proportions.

Seriously, how can heavy rainfall not ease dry conditions? Every day that it rains, CHBC News says "Yeah, it's raining, but it's still gonna be a hot dry summer and we could still burn like a match."

Back off with that! You're just adding more paranoia to a world that's already got more than it's share to be paranoid about. We live in a semi-desert climate hot and dry is what we should expect. If you live near the timber, clean up your yard, insure your house and take your chances. That's the price of living in the sticks. Forest fires happen. Ask a "local fire official".

-John Fulop

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