
Evac. order law 'ludicrous'

I very strongly do not support forced evacuation.

This will effectively criminalize failure to follow an evacuation order. It effectively turns a refusal to evacuate into a criminal offence because those who do not wish to follow the order will resist arrest.

Refusal to follow an evacuation order already has considerable consequences.

In order to provide for the safety of emergency responders it is more than sufficient to simply emphasize that emergency responders will not re-enter an evacuated area to retrieve anyone who has earlier refused to leave.

Absolutely zero amount of force should ever be rendered in issuing any evacuation order.  To do so is a ludicrous, miss-application of resources, and unnecessarily increases stress levels for all involved.  The real job of those serving evacuation orders is to provide information about the emergency and to assist those who need help in following the order.  It is an insult and a waste of critical resources to try to force anyone into complying with an evacuation order.

Furthermore extending the act to force costs of apprehension on those who have refused evacuation is nothing more than adding significant insult on top of already egregious injury.

In fact if anyone is forced to evacuate from their property against their will, then the province must assume full responsibility for replacement cost of any damage to property, and for the loss of income, and for the costs of apprehension, while the person is being held against their will.

In short, I do not support any legislation which might have even the slightest effect of further transforming British Columbia (or any part of Canada) into a police state, even if the province were to accept responsibility for all costs and loss of income.

Greg A. Woods

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