
Dogs in cars

Once again I am thoroughly disgusted in how RDCO handled the recent case on Friday of a dog (Pom) left in a hot car with the windows rolled up initially, at Superstore in Kelowna. 

We have a brand new Regional District Dog Bylaw that was just adopted Feb 24, 2014 that reads as follows:

Dogs in vehicles
33. No Owner shall cause or permit his or her dog to be confined to an enclosure or vehicle without adequate ventilation and sufficient shade to protect the dog from excessive heat and direct rays of the sun; conversely cold weather precautions should be taken as well.

The Castanet.net article I read said that the dog owner did not receive a ticket because the SPCA informed RDCO that the dog was not in distress once it was saved from the vehicle.

This is the most ridiculous statement I have ever read.

Do we have to wait until a dog dies before someone can be ticketed for their dog being left in a hot car with the windows rolled up.  Especially when there were so many witnesses to this incident??

Please write to your MLA, MP, RDCO, Ministry of Sport and Cultural Development, the Justice Minister, and the SPCA to let them know that this is not acceptable to you and that animal cruelty legislation needs to change.

Also please sign up on the mailing list at Terry's Law  http://www.terryslaw.ca/our-story/ ... because the people behind Terry's Law have crafted some animal cruelty legislation that is being looked at right now by our government.  There are many animal lovers behind this crafted legislation.  If and when the time comes, we need to be ready to sign a petition for this legislation, so please sign up on this mailing list.

Sharon Schnurr

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