When all was said and done, the Central Okanagan’s average asking rent prices in 2024 did not differ much from 2023.
In fact, the asking price for a two-bedroom unit in December was down more than $50 from 12 months earlier.
The one-bedroom asking price in December, meanwhile, was only $13 more than it was during the same month in 2023.
The two-bedroom asking price in 2024 took a similar trajectory to 2023, rising to as high as $2,469 in May before dropping more than $300 to $2,143 in December, according to data collected from Castanet Classifieds.
It was the same story for one-bedrooms, which were going for an average of $1,570 in December 2023 and $1,583 in December 2024.
The December data was compiled from 49 one-bedroom and 58 two-bedroom listings.