Photo: Makenna Allison
The window of Makenna Allison's home was broken by a man who broke in.
A Quebec man has been charged in relation to a home invasion at a home on Gordon Drive on New Year’s Day.
Stephane Souliere, 47, has been charged with break and enter with the intent to commit an offence and forcible entry.
Charges were laid Jan. 2. He is scheduled to appear in court again Jan. 23.
Speaking with Castanet News the day after the incident, Makenna Allison says a man knocked on their door about 7 p.m. New Year’s Day and, after opening the door, grabbed her boyfriend.
He was able to remove the man from the home but the suspect later jumped through a window and into their home.
She said the man trashed their home with a golf club and frying pan.