An Okanagan man who viciously beat his mother and left her for dead in 2019 is potentially facing new restrictions.
A court file out of Abbotsford Law Courts indicates that Kevin Lee Barrett is facing an allegation under the Criminal Code from someone who has concerns about his risk to offend.
Barrett only recently completed his sentence for the attack on his mother, and this file would have been opened shortly after his release.
The BC Prosecution Service said in a statement the allegation against Barrett is “that the informant has reasonable grounds to fear and does fear that (he) will commit a serious personal injury offence under section 752 of the Criminal Code.”
These fears arise “as a result of his criminal record, convictions for serious personal injury offences and psychological/psychiatric risk assessments that indicate he is a high-risk for violent re-offence, and other factors.”
The next court appearance is a pre-trial conference on Jan. 28 at 10:15 a.m. at the Surrey Provincial Court.
Who the informant is and whether there was a specific incident to spark these court actions has not been specified.
Barrett’s history with the courts, however, are long and storied.
In 2021 Barrett, now 65, was sentenced to six years in prison after pleading guilty to aggravated assault, in the near-fatal attack.
The Parole Board of Canada described Barrett in May 2023 as someone who is “likely to commit an offence causing death or serious harm to another person” if he were to be released from prison, ahead of the completion of this sentence. He did complete his sentence, though the new file indicates that concerns persist.
Barrett has been diagnosed with borderline personality and narcissistic personality disorder, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.