
Downtown restaurant owner concerned about timing of Saturday's parade

Upset with parade closures

The timing of Saturday’s Parade with a Purpose through downtown Kelowna couldn’t be worse for at least one downtown business.

James Anfuso, owner of Mamma Rosa Restaurant on Lawrence Avenue, says the parade and resulting road and parking closures are happening right in the middle of a busy Christmas party weekend.

“It’s not that I’m against the parade, I think it’s great, but during the day or Sunday,” Anfuso said.

“It’s just that the second weekend in December is usually the biggest Christmas party weekend for restaurants, at least it is for me.

“We have a full house and they are closing off the whole street of Lawrence, it’s not just Bernard.

“Even for my employees to get to the back alley to park is going to be a challenge.”

This is the first time the parade has run through downtown streets after being held the last four years in Kettle Valley.

The parade will start at City Park, make its way up Bernard to Bertram Street then travel down Lawrence back to City Park.

A number of roads will be closed as a result and some parking will be disrupted.

The parking lot at City Park will be closed all day while parking will be restricted all day on Bernard Avenue.

To make matters worse, Anfuso says he didn’t know about the magnitude of the closures until Friday morning.

“One of the parties texted me the article and asked where am I supposed to park?

“I think it’s dumb planning. I’m fully booked for tomorrow night but I know I’m going to get cancellations because of this.”

The Downtown Kelowna Association, meanwhile, sent an advisory to all members and the media reminding everyone of the closures, specifically the city’s decision to ban parking all day Saturday along Bernard.

“This decision by the city is their effort to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all visitors to downtown and Parade with a Purpose goers,” a news release states.

“We understand this is not an ideal time to limit parking downtown, especially two weeks before Christmas. However, we encourage you to share alternative parking options with your customers.”

Ample parking is available on north-south side streets and along Lawrence Avenue. More than 1,700 parking spots are also available at the Memorial, Library and Chapman parkades.

However, Lawrence will be closed to all traffic from 4 p.m. to 9.m.

The parkades will be free all day Saturday.

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