Locals are stepping up to help apple producers in the wake of the demise of the BC Tree Fruits Cooperative.
The first Kelowna Apple Festival is in the works, scheduled for Aug. 31 to Sept. 8.
Videographer and social media influencer Jason Chan is organizing the festival in conjunction with the Kelowna Farmers’ & Crafters’ Market. He decided to do something after hearing of the struggles some farmers are facing.
“From talking to farmers I’ve learned that a lot of them, because they are a small, local farmers, they use BC Tree Fruits for everything.
“Essentially, they are farmers. They know how to grow really good apples but they don’t know how to sell, how to market. And this is where BC Tree Fruits comes in and it was an integral part of a lot of small farmers,” says Chan.
BCTFC is seeking creditor protection and announced last month that it was shutting down operations. Growers are now scrambling to find another way to store, process and sell their crops.
“BC Tree Fruits stored thousands of pounds of apples for farmers. Like picking bins, for example. Now a lot of farmers don’t have bins to pick apples because BC Tree Fruits owns all of them,” Chan points out.
He was motivated to do what he can to help through his connections in the community.
Chan says at least 25 Kelowna area restaurants have already come on board with Apple Fest, planning to offer up special dishes using this year’s crop.
The Kelowna Farmers’ & Crafters’ Market will be the main hub for the week long, free event. Details can be found here.