The Central Okanagan School District says their investigation is continuing into an allegedly transphobic incident that took place at the Apple Bowl track meet last week.
Over the weekend on social media, and Monday to Castanet News, two mothers alleged that Josef Tesar publicly questioned the gender of their nine-year-old daughter right before she was about to participate in shot-put at the Apple Bowl. They further allege his wife hurled slurs at the mothers.
In an interview Tuesday, Tesar sat down with Castanet News and denied the allegations.
On Wednesday, Central Okanagan School District Supt. Kevin Kaardal said third-party witnesses came forward Tuesday to confirm that Tesar acted "belligerently."
Kaardal says the investigation includes talking to teachers who were a part of the event.
"They were right there. I can't speak to what was actually said but the tenor of what's happened, the questioning of gender...his accosting of the family...it might not have been directed right at the girl, but she was right there present. That all occurred," Kaardal said.
"He wouldn't stop when staff asked him to. He eventually did. He was escorted away from the event, the event was moved and then he came over to that side away from the event and staff kept monitoring him."
On Tuesday, Tesar told Castanet News he contacted the principal of the school where the girl reportedly attends to share his perspective of the incident.
"I had the conversation with the principal. He said, 'Josef what you are telling us is exactly what I'm confirming with the teachers and officials,'" Tesar said. "My wife never called the mother anything."
Principal Robbie Franklin on Tuesday told Castanet News that he did speak with Tesar over the phone after the incident. "He called and did express an apology. I listened to what he explained."
On Wednesday, Franklin shared another statement to clarify that he was not in agreement with Tesar, as Tesar originally claimed.
"I listened to what he had expressed and thanked him for his apology. It doesn't mean that I condone the behaviours and at the point the district is completing the investigation that they are doing and I know the RCMP has been notified."
"It's not that I condone or agree with the behaviours that were happening," he added.
It's unknown when the SD23 investigation as well as the Kelowna RCMP investigation into the incident will be complete.
Kaardal previously said steps are being taken to ban Tesar from all school-related events, something Tesar said on Tuesday he had not yet been informed of.
The incident has continued to attract national and international attention.
"This is where anti-trans hate will lead us. A 9-year-old was verbally assaulted, humiliated, and left in tears by an adult," tweeted federal NDP leader Jagmeet Singh on Wednesday.
“I believe in a community where everyone is treated with respect and dignity in our vibrant city,” said Kelowna mayor Tom Dyas in a statement, calling the incident “heartbreaking.”
“Children’s events are supposed to be just that — events for children. The Kelowna RCMP is investigating the incident. There is no place for intolerance or hate in our community.”