
The pre-campaign period for the 2022 municipal election opens Monday

Civic campaign begins

As individuals declaring their intention to enter the Oct. 15 civic election race continue to come out of the woodwork, the two month pre-campaign period is set to begin.

The pre-campaign for the municipal election begins this coming Monday, and runs through Sept. 16 when the ballot becomes official and the official campaign period begins.

"This means that as of Monday, advertising will be regulated which means anybody who sponsors election advertising needs to register with (Elections BC) and include their sponsorship information on any ads they run. They also have to file a disclosure report 90 days after the election," says Melanie Hull, communications advisor with Elections BC.

"The difference between the pre-campaign and the campaign period is that the expense limits don't apply."

While nomination packages for prospective candidates will not be available for another week, those who have declared their intention to run can also begin to advertise.

Once the actual campaign begins Sept. 16, candidates and third party advertisers will be restricted to how much they are able to spend. Campaign spending limits are determined based on the population.

In Kelowna, candidates running for mayor will be able to spend up to $95,665, nearly $20,000 more than they could spend four years ago.

In winning re-election in 2018, Colin Basran raised, and spent more than $76,500, slightly under the limit while his closest challenger Tom Dyas raised half that amount.

Candidates running for council will be able to spend $48,506.

The contribution limit for individuals has also been raised this year to $1,250.

This includes candidates, who are also restricted to the same contribution limit in funding their own campaign.

Corporations and unions are barred from contributing to any campaign.

Spending limits across the region include:

Municipality Mayor limit Council limit
Kelowna $95,665 $48,506
West Kelowna $29,953 $15,093
Peachland $10,797 $5,398
Lake Country** $16,930 $8,471 or $5,398
Penticton $28,803 $14,508
Summerland $13,907 $6,953
Vernon $33,850 $17,074
Kamloops $67,295 $34,080
Merritt $10,797 $5,398
Salmon Arm $19,046 $9,547

**Candidates running for an at large seat in Lake Country are able to spend more than those running in individual wards.

Nomination packages will be available from various municipal halls next Friday and must be returned between Aug. 30 and Sept. 9.

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