
Right way to roundabout

Madison Erhardt

As the number of roundabouts across the Okanagan continues to increase, so too does confusion for some motorists.  

Some get fed up with people not properly navigating the traffic circles, but how exactly is one supposed to do so? 

According to driving professional Calim Macmillam of Young Drivers, it's really quite simple. 

"The biggest thing is controlling your speed as you approach it. You don't legally have to signal to enter a roundabout, but you do legally have to signal right to exit," Macmillam says. 

"We teach our students the more you communicate, the easier it is to keep traffic moving. If you are going to take your first exit to the right, you put your right signal light on to enter and then just leave it on as you exit."

"If you are going to take your second or third exit, you can put your left one on to enter because then people at the next exits or entrances can see that you are continuing and they are less likely to pull out in front of you," he added. 

Macmillam says roundabouts are a great way to prevent T-bone collisions. 

"They are a lot better than intersections with stop signs and traffic lights because they greatly reduce the amount of T-bones and the amount of rear-end crashes. it also keeps traffic flowing if they are done properly," Macmillam said. 

For more information on driving rules and regulations, click here

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