
Car fire not suspicious

UPDATE: 11:45 a.m.

Kelowna RCMP say the vehicle fire on Highway 33 has been deemed not suspicious.

“The vehicle’s driver and owner reported mechanical issues just prior to the vehicle catching fire,” says Const. Jesse O’Donaghey.

He says the driver, who was not injured, attempted to put out the blaze with snow.

He was unable to stop the fire and was picked up by a passing motorist, who drove him into cell range where he reported the fire to emergency crews. 

The fire was successfully put out by the Big White Fire Department. 

ORIGINAL: 9:30 a.m.

The Big White Fire Department rushed to the scene of a vehicle fire last night on Highway 33.

The call came into the fire department at 9:50 p.m. on Saturday with a report a car had struck an animal and was smoking.

Deputy fire chief Chris Cormack says when crews arrived at the scene, approximately 20 kilometres south of the Big White exit towards Beaverdell, the small hatchback was fully engulfed.

Crews quickly got the fire under control.

The owner and/or driver of the car was nowhere to be found when emergency crews arrived, Kormack says the vehicle was empty.

There were also no signs of any injured animal nearby.  

The fire department ensured the fire was fully extinguished and turned over the file to police.

The RCMP is now investigating the matter. 

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