
City Garden Open House

Strip off your gardening gloves and head to the City’s greenhouses today for another great Open House. Whether your thumb is green or brown, everyone is welcome to drop by 1359 KLO Road between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to learn gardening tips and techniques from the City’s horticultural experts.

Special events include:
  • Hanging basket building demonstrations at 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m.
  • Tips on tree selection and pruning
  • Bucket truck rides for the kids
  • Tour the greenhouses, learn about the computerized irrigation system that controls water use in our parks and sportsfields and discover how you can use integrated pest management techniques to keep bugs at bay.
A draw will be held to select assistants for the basket building demonstrations. Lucky participants will not only receive hands on experience but they’ll be able to take their work of art home.

Everyone who visits the Open House will receive a Sugar Baby marguerite daisy courtesy of the Parks Division.

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