
Three Kamloops non-profits to benefit from $36,000 raised through BCICF Christmas Cheer Fund

Cheer Fund brings in $36K

The 2024 Christmas Cheer fundraiser brought in more than $36,000, which will benefit three Kamloops charities.

Wenda Noonan, BC Interior Community Foundation executive director, said a total of $36,132.46 was raised through the two-month fundraising campaign — just shy of its $40,000 goal, but a marked increase over last year’s total.

“We're up 20 per cent, which is incredible,” Noonan said.

She said the biggest highlight this year was the Christmas Cheer donation station, which was set up at 250 Victoria St. with support from a number of local businesses and other community volunteers.

People who dropped by the storefront could get festive photos taken by donation while connecting with representatives from BCICF and beneficiary non-profits.

“It was a culmination of everything that's great about Kamloops,” Noonan said. “We saw all of the positives of our community and how our community is so giving.”

Money raised through the fundraiser will go to three charities — the Y Women’s Shelter, the Centre for Seniors Information Kamloops, and BGC Kamloops’ Journey Fund.

“I think more people were aware of the Christmas Cheer fund and the value that the charities bring. …Almost all of our community was reflected in the three charities,” Noonan said.

She said BCICF will take a certain percentage of the total amount for an endowment fund. Earnings from this fund will be given out to charities chosen each year.

“We will take a small amount of our fundraising every year and continue to grow that endowed fund so that money will be invested forever, and the interest from that money will go to a Christmas Cheer charity forever,” Noonan said.

She noted charities that receive funds through Christmas Cheer aren’t bound to restrictions on how they choose to spend the money.

“They can use it however they see best for their operations, and that is something that is so hard in the non-profit world for charities to get is that unrestricted funding,” she said.

“We do what's called trust-based philanthropy, and we trust that the charities are doing good work, and that they know where their community needs those dollars to go to.”

This was the first year BCICF took full responsibility of the longstanding Christmas Cheer Fund, with support from media partner Castanet Kamloops.

The foundation took over the annual campaign last year after local newspaper Kamloops This Week, which had run the fundraiser since 2014, shut down in the fall of 2023.

Noonan said in the coming year, she plans to launch a Christmas Cheer committee to help grow the fundraiser.

“I think Christmas Cheer is going to be bigger than the Community Foundation,” she said.

She said she hopes to include members of the community interested in becoming a "Cheer leader." The committee would help evaluate new beneficiary charities, bring forward new ideas for community engagement, and grow the donation station.

“It is a community project, so I would like to incorporate the community into that — I'm really looking forward to that," Noonan said.

This year's donors include:

Patricia & Masaaki Kitamura $125
Free Radicals Hockey $5,815
Sue Turner $300
Amy Elliott $100
Ed & Dianne Barker $200
Heidi Coleman & Glenn Hilke $118
Susanne Sharpe (in memory of Jerry, Dave, Sandy and Lori) $100
Mary Dmytriw $300
Arjun Singh $10
All Nations Trust Company $500
Patricia Willis $100
Dorene Radmacher $100
MJL Law Corp. $500
Fulton & Company LLP $650.50
Evan & Wendy Lichlyter $200
Jeanne Callahan $110
Yvonne Reddick Art Studio $500
Susan O'Shaughnessy $300
Anonymous - Canada Helps $100
Alixandria Horwill (in honour of Todd Mason) $100
Katy Michell $110
Anonymous - Canada Helps $23
John Dittrich $50
Marilyn Bartlett $300
Rose Roy $55
Kevin Mihalicz $15
Richard & Terry Taylor $100
Robert Smillie $250
Judy Collinge $50
Pat Davies (in memory of Bill Davies & Thomas Jay Finnen) $200
Bill Rublee $100
TRU - Marketing & Communications $130
Anonymous - Canada Helps $1,500
Kennell's Shoes $64.40
The Ruby Room $50
Alan Bogetti $50
Tracey Mourre $10
Pat Moulton $110
Anonymous - Canada Helps $100
Miriah Oswald $50
Anonymous - Canada Helps (in memory of Mike & Quay Jules) $100
Anonymous - Canada Helps $50
Rick & Maureen Nakashimada $100
Cara Gates $200
Anonymous - Christmas Cheer $5
Joan Robertson $100
Anonymous - Canada Helps $50
Anonymous - Canada Helps $100
Karl Willms $100
Doug Herbert $55
Trina Radford $100
Natalie McNichol $50
Gisela Ruckert $100
Strategic Dynamics $100
Anonymous - Christmas Cheer $216.30
Gordon Harris & Gwen Watson $500
Shirley Stans $100
Linda Barr $100
Tony Ehrlank $1,000
Preceptor Delta Beta Sigma Phi $100
Verita Van Diemen $500
Anonymous - Canada Helps $100
Kathy & Bob Costerton $200
Vivid Orthodontics $2,000
Main Street Clothing Co. Ltd. (in support of the Y Women's Emergency Shelter) $400
Rachel Long $100
Shannon Mitchell $100
Al Bouillon $100
Larry & Brenda Sill $100
Libby Denbigh $40
Alana Frymire $20
Kamloops Krampus Parade $115
Andrew Halvorsen (in support of the Y Women's Emergency Shelter) $100
Diane Mikalishen $40
Cora Jones $1,500
Dean Kopp $25
Lois Hollstedt $250
Christine Cross $250
Gloria Luthe $100
Nathaniel Jackson $100
Andrea Ciccone $50
Surander Singh $100
Diane Jackson $50
Diane Wells $50
Albert & Gaye Morrissette $200
Lisa Lizzi-Davidson & Mike Davidson $20
Lorna McMillan $75
Twyla-Lea Jensen $50
Anonymous - Christmas Cheer $45
Helen Ferguson (in memory of deceased Liddy family members) $50
Bryce Herman $100
Rick Musgrove $100
Heather Bain $20
Shanna Findlay $100
Vic & Sally Mowbray $150
Thrive Clinical Counselling & Consulting (in honour of Jesse's Journey) $80
Pat & Dave McDonald $100
Tish & Eric Schweizer $200
Roger & Elaine Parkes $75
Anonymous - Christmas Cheer $20
Dana Napier $20
Richard, Diane Forde $100
Phil & Cathy Holman $100
Kathryn & Brian Andriashyk (in memory of Verna Wasylnka) $100
D. Anne Wade $50
Anonymous - Christmas Cheer $156
Karen Klassen $250
Philomena Churchill $50
Anonymous - Christmas Cheer $20
Naomi Kaufman $50
Tiffany Hornbeck $25
Jenifer Norwell $40
Regina Bittner-Rothbart $100
Denise Caldwell $50
Chris Town $100
Silvana Rennie $35
Wayne Houston (in memory of Devon Blackmore) $25
Diane Cooper & Tom Stout (in memory of our parents Tom & Gloria Stout, Muriel & Norman Cooper) $100
M. Colleen Stainton $200
Elaine Jephcott (in memory of Lilian Hale) $50
Fratelli Foods $305.60
Sharon Cooley (in memory of Ruth Cooley) $50
McAllister & Howard Clothiers Ltd. $1,000
Marg Montalbetti $500
Arthur & Myrna Bepple $100
Monica Macaulay $100
Anonymous - Christmas Cheer $100
Patti M. Phillips $20
Anonymous - Christmas Cheer $5
Diana Hauser $100
Wilson M. Beck Insurance $250
Anonymous $187.86
Isaiah Ducharme $5
Anonymous $20
Jacques Lam (in memory of Clint Anderson) $100
Sandra Sponaugle (in memory of Ross Millar) $100
Soria & Jesse Harding $50
Teri Young $250
Sacred Grounds Investments Ltd. $400
Chris Nagle $100
Anonymous $61.75
Morelli Chertkow $177
Rosann Dahl $1,000
Tiernan Buchan $50
Lance Weisser $25
Hannah Van Genne $20
Anonymous - Canada Helps $3
Debra McNichol $100
Sonja Bryson $25
Kaz Dufficy $200
Marie Kabus $100
Lance Weisser $20
Joan Hughes $100
Sharon Moore $100
Lyn Lecuyer $25
Ken & Marylyne House $100
Gold Leaf Pastries Ltd. $200
Janet & Spence Bryson $250
Jaana Kastikainen $10
Alan Gozda $250
Tim Webber $20
Brogan Fire & Safety $180
Dianne Jackson $25
Anonymous $31.05
Joslyn Conley $50
Anonymous - Canada Helps $100
Jacquie Brand $50
Anonymous $50
Margo Middleton Waithe $1,000
Lynne Totten $100
Reeve Harrison $37
Anonymous $91.40
Lorrie Smith $25
Bonnie Klohn $20
Fraser Stewart $30
Kathy Kendall $50
Kathy Sinclair $50
Margaret Patten $100
Evelyn Meyer $120
Carly Harding $50
Fearon Blair $50
Anonymous $40
Anonymous - Canada Helps $100
Paddy Harrington $50
Sarah Palmer $50
Brenda & Ian Harding $30
Helen Olson $20
Anonymous $28.75
Ron & Susan Durant $100
Edith Pletzer $100
Wenda Noonan $50
Cam & Aiden Murray $100
IG Wealth Management (Head Office) $405.85
BC Old Time Fiddlers $100
TOTAL TO DATE: $36,132.46

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