
IG Wealth Management marks 18th year donating to Christmas Cheer Fund

Giving to Cheer for 18 years

For nearly two decades, IG Wealth Management’s Kamloops office has supported the Christmas Cheer Fund.

Andrea Ciccone, IG Wealth Management executive assistant, said this will be the company’s 18th year giving to the fund, which has benefited a number of local charities.

“We’ve donated over $60,000 as an office to the Christmas Cheer Fund,” Ciccone said, adding it's important to give, especially at this time of the year.

“It’s something that, as an office, we hold dear. We have clients and staff that have worked with some of the charities that are supported.”

Ciccone said Dean Nicholson, a former consultant, started the office initiative — and it’s just kept going, year after year.

“It is definitely a legacy thing, and we hope that we will be able to continue to donate to this cause for many, many years,” Ciccone said.

This year, money raised through the BC Interior Community Foundation’s Christmas Cheer Fund will support the Kamloops Y Women’s Emergency Shelter, BGCK’s Journey Fund, and the Centre for Seniors Information Secret Santa Program.

To find out more information or to donate, people are invited to stop by a pop-up booth set up at the Kamloops Indoor Farmers Market at 140 Laburnum Dr. on Saturday, Dec. 14, from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.

BCICF’s Christmas Cheer Donation Station at 250 Victoria St. is also open each day until Friday, Dec. 13, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. People are encouraged to stop by, make a donation and stop in for a selfie.

To donate online, click here.

Cash, cheque, credit and debit card donations can be made in person at the BC Interior Community Foundation, 2-219 Victoria St. (open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday to Friday). Cash or cheque donations can also be dropped off at Castanet Kamloops, 102-635 Victoria St. (open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday).

As of Dec. 7, this year's donors include:

Nathaniel Jackson $100
Andrea Ciccone $50
Surander Singh $100
Diane Jackson $50
Diane Wells $50
Albert & Gaye Morrissette $200
Lisa Lizzi-Davidson & Mike Davidson $20
Lorna McMillan $75
Twyla-Lea Jensen $50
Anonymous - Christmas Cheer $45
Helen Ferguson (in memory of deceased Liddy family members) $50
Bryce Herman $100
Rick Musgrove $100
Heather Bain $20
Shanna Findlay $100
Vic & Sally Mowbray $150
Thrive Clinical Counselling & Consulting (in honour of Jesse's Journey) $80
Pat & Dave McDonald $100
Tish & Eric Schweizer $200
Roger & Elaine Parkes $75
Anonymous - Christmas Cheer $20
Dana Napier $20
Richard, Diane Forde $100
Phil & Cathy Holman $100
Kathryn & Brian Andriashyk (in memory of Verna Wasylnka) $100
D. Anne Wade $50
Anonymous - Christmas Cheer $156
Karen Klassen $250
Philomena Churchill $50
Anonymous - Christmas Cheer $20
Naomi Kaufman $50
Tiffany Hornbeck $25
Jenifer Norwell $40
Regina Bittner-Rothbart $100
Denise Caldwell $50
Chris Town $100
Silvana Rennie $35
Wayne Houston (in memory of Devon Blackmore) $25
Diane Cooper & Tom Stout (in memory of our parents Tom & Gloria Stout, Muriel & Norman Cooper) $100
M. Colleen Stainton $200
Elaine Jephcott (in memory of Lilian Hale) $50
Fratelli Foods $305.60
Sharon Cooley (in memory of Ruth Cooley) $50
McAllister & Howard Clothiers Ltd. $1,000
Marg Montalbetti $500
Arthur & Myrna Bepple $100
Monica Macaulay $100
Anonymous - Christmas Cheer $100
Patti M. Phillips $20
Anonymous - Christmas Cheer $5
Diana Hauser $100
Wilson M. Beck Insurance $250
Anonymous $187.86
Isaiah Ducharme $5
Anonymous $20
Jacques Lam (in memory of Clint Anderson) $100
Sandra Sponaugle (in memory of Ross Millar) $100
Soria & Jesse Harding $50
Teri Young $250
Sacred Grounds Investments Ltd. $400
Chris Nagle $100
Anonymous $61.75
Morelli Chertkow $177
Rosann Dahl $1,000
Tiernan Buchan $50
Lance Weisser $25
Hannah Van Genne $20
Anonymous - Canada Helps $3
Debra McNichol $100
Sonja Bryson $25
Kaz Dufficy $200
Marie Kabus $100
Lance Weisser $20
Joan Hughes $100
Sharon Moore $100
Lyn Lecuyer $25
Ken & Marylyne House $100
Gold Leaf Pastries Ltd. $200
Janet & Spence Bryson $250
Jaana Kastikainen $10
Alan Gozda $250
Tim Webber $20
Brogan Fire & Safety $180
Dianne Jackson $25
Anonymous $31.05
Joslyn Conley $50
Anonymous - Canada Helps $100
Jacquie Brand $50
Anonymous $50
Margo Middleton Waithe $1,000
Lynne Totten $100
Reeve Harrison $37
Anonymous $91.40
Lorrie Smith $25
Bonnie Klohn $20
Fraser Stewart $30
Kathy Kendall $50
Kathy Sinclair $50
Margaret Patten $100
Evelyn Meyer $120
Carly Harding $50
Fearon Blair $50
Anonymous $40
Anonymous - Canada Helps $100
Paddy Harrington $50
Sarah Palmer $50
Brenda & Ian Harding $30
Helen Olson $20
Anonymous $28.75
Ron & Susan Durant $100
Edith Pletzer $100
Wenda Noonan $50
Cam & Aiden Murray $100
IG Wealth Management (Head Office) $405.85
BC Old Time Fiddlers $100
TOTAL TO DATE: $13,320.26

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