
Casimir announced new apartment building and 28 townhouses for TteS community

TteS to build new homes

The Tk’emlups te Secwepemc will soon be home to dozens of new affordable housing units — 28 townhouses and a 30-suite apartment building.

TteS Chief Rosanne Casimir announced the project, funded by BC Housing, over the weekend.

“The townhouses will be three- and four-bedroom units and the apartments will be one and two bedrooms,” she said in a video message posted to the band’s website.

“They will be serving the needs of our families, elders and low-income individuals, as well as those with disabilities who are members of TteS.”

Casimir said the project, which is in addition to recently announced elder housing at Tyee Park, will help the band address the needs identified in a 2020 housing study.

“It has been more than 20 years of no new housing in this community, so we all say it’s about time,” Casimir said.

“We are very excited about these two new housing projects.”

Construction is expected to get underway this fall.

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