
horoscope April 2-8

OVERVIEW: Those seeking justice turn up the heat with the full moon in Libra represented by the scales. Weigh both sides very carefully to see which way the truth will tip them. Some desperately want to let the cat out of the bag to feel vindicated. This can become a slippery slope. An attempt at gaslighting will be seen through so pivot to something else or different line of approach. Ego’s lead to some being overly eager to push their agenda. This will be short lived or rejected by those who have actual authority. Relax or go somewhere to let things blow over a bit.

ARIES: Plan to get out of Dodge for a few days. Focus on important matters and how to regroup.

TAURUS: Take time to handle personal relationships to clear any misunderstandings. Meet up.

GEMINI: Do what is necessary to hold your place where you really belong. Revisit locations.

CANCER: You push for evidence or disclosure personally or with information you have now.

LEO: Attention will focus on you one way or the other. Be willing to explain the whole thing.

VIRGO: Nail down funding as this will influence location choices temporarily or for later on.

LIBRA: You speak out more under the full moon in your sign. Words hit their target with ease.

SCORPIO: Decide if you can work together or if you need your own private space for awhile.

SAGITTARIUS: Handle things in an easygoing step by step fashion to make it all work out.

CAPRICORN: Cool your jets and proceed on a practical path for all concerned. It will help.

AQUARIUS: Security will be important going forward for yourself or others now. Check info.

PISCES: Dodge certain restrictions to make room for alternatives to get the same results.

This article is written by or on behalf of an outsourced columnist and does not necessarily reflect the views of Castanet.

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About the Author

Heather Zais has been a psychic since birth. She had a vision of her own future at the age of 11 that covered about 20 years of her life.

Heather has been involved in many missing persons cases and has diagnosed illnesses of over 100 people. She has taught and lectured in schools and colleges as well as at an institute in Germany. She has clients around the world. 

She resides in Kelowna, BC and does psychic and astrology readings in person, by phone or e-mail. She also does personal, relationship and past life charts as well as Tarot card, palm and tea reading. Heather is also a remote viewer, medium and dream analyst. Forward dreams to her for interpretation.

Phone for appointment: Heather at -250-868-9978 or e-mail [email protected] 

The views expressed are strictly those of the author and not necessarily those of Castanet. Castanet does not warrant the contents.

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