In 11 days we have Groundhog Day, that day made famous in pop culture by a Bill Murray movie, when he lives Feb. 2 over and over again, until he learns that he must make the most of what life has given him.
That message is always a good one, but I thought I’d share some of the origin story of the day, and a few ways different cultures celebrate it. Hopefully you’ll find some joy in all this rambling, a way to make the most of the heart of winter.
February 2 also has a religious connection, as the day we call Groundhog Day is also Candlemas. It was a celebratory feast to commemorate the presentation of Jesus at the Temple in Jerusalem and included blessing the candles that would be used throughout the coming year (Jesus was seen as a symbol of light or revelation, so the connection with candles is certainly logical.)
Candlemas was also known as the earliest of festivals celebrating the Virgin Mary. With the light stretching further through the day, it signifies the first leap to spring and, in fact, was considered by some to be the start of the spring season. (Here lies the connection to our current rodent-centric customs.)
Significant things to remember about the more secular Candlemas traditions are this is when any symbols of Christmas are to be removed (The day formally ends the Christmas season, being 40 days later). So, if Santa decoration isn't off the roof yet, you'd better go get him.
Another bit of seasonal advice, beginning a voyage at sea is not recommended on this day. Sailors believed it would end in disaster. So, hopefully any cruise-goers will depart on Saturday.
If you follow the tradition of Epiphany, on January 6, something I have written about in earlier columns, having won the figurine in the King Cake would mean you were beholden to host a party on Candlemas. Just to be clear, even if you didn't win the figurine, you can still host a party if you feel like it.
Being the point of transition between seasons, whether you consider religious seasons or nature’s seasons, our Groundhog Day has a noble history.
When our favourite rodent in various North American cities peeks his nose out from his winter slumber, he offers an omen of the days to come. It is, however, based in some kind of logic, as traditions often are.
Groundhogs aren’t scared of their shadows, and sailors aren’t scared to sail on a calendar date, but they know weather patterns. The same is true with foodie traditions that occur at festival time. And really, on a February day, be it mucky, grey or snowy, why not boost your spirit celebrating with friends and good food?
Here are some ideas I thought are worth a go:
• In France, they celebrate by eating crepes, but only after 8 p.m. Are they waiting for the winter moon to rise, and the crepes symbolize the shape? If you can flip a crepe successfully while holding a coin in the other hand you will see prosperity in the coming year (of course you will if you just kept the coin.)
• In Spain, they celebrate by eating tamales, as the planting of the corn can begin as early as this. Even if you don’t want to be that elaborate in your cooking, a bit of cornbread or even a muffin could stand in as a nod for the tradition of farmers beginning their work of the season. (Do you even need another reason to stop at Tim Hortons?)
• In Ireland, they put a loaf of bread on the windowsill as an offering for St. Birgid, who is associated with both a pagan goddess of fertility and a saint in County Kildare. (Remember, it’s still a wee bit cold, so it’s okay to consume those carbohydrates, right?)
I hope these ideas lead to inspiration. If not, fear not, we have Mardi Gras coming up next, and that certainly deserves celebrating.
May whatever sun there is shine brightly on your house.
This article is written by or on behalf of an outsourced columnist and does not necessarily reflect the views of Castanet.