
When travelling it's important to remember we are the visitors

Being a good guest

As regular readers will know, I have been traipsing around Europe with my hubbie these past four weeks.

We have been in Spain and France, seeing beaches and the coastline, churches and museums, Roman arenas and medieval castles. We have eaten at covered markets, on patios in town squares and in hidden gems, tucked away down side streets. It has been a grand adventure half a world away from home.

There have been a few learning curves, being in different places. In Spain, shops close from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. so people can have their afternoon meal (restaurants are all open). Dinner in Spain starts for locals at 8:30 p.m. In France however, shops close from noon or so until 2 p.m. or 2:30 pm. Restaurants are open for lunch, then close from 2:30 p.m. till around 7 p.m., when dinner starts.

At fresh markets when shopping for produce, one learns not to grab things unless there are bags or baskets put out, otherwise one’s hand is slapped by the vendor. (They will knowledgeably choose what you tell them you want, how many, how ripe, etc.)

Perhaps the biggest adaptation when travelling is the language. If you know the language even a little, it’s easier to show some respect for the local culture.

I believe this is extremely important when we travel. We are guests in these places and just like guests in someone’s home, so we should respect our hosts.

There have been articles in the news about locals in some European cities getting tired of having so many tourists. Barcelona is hosting the America’s Cup in sailing and locals have protested the lack of benefits for them amidst creation of more tourist attractions and services. We didn’t have any bad experiences with locals, and we were constantly asking them questions in English (my university Spanish is very rusty).

In France, we have had the advantage of understanding the language and speaking it, so I have felt more comfortable. Locals have been patient when we ask questions and even if they switch to English, I feel better knowing I made the effort.

Being a foodie and someone who loves languages and communication, I adore travel for the chance to experience another world firsthand. I want to eat the local food, drink the local beverages and see the local sites. I’m interested in history, traditions and specialties of all kinds. My philosophy is if I want my host (person or country) to show me all they have, then I need to be on my best behaviour as a guest.

As the world gets smaller with technology, it seems the best way to an amicable environment is to understand as many facets of that world as we can, especially if we want to take part in it.

Maybe you are someone who likes to keep more things consistent when you travel (similar foods or accommodation standards) but I bet you are still very conscious of making a good impression. I believe that’s much of why we Canadians have a pretty good reputation as travellers.

Even if we come home deciding we prefer our own corner of the world, that helps us appreciate home even more. And we have plenty of stories to tell as we relax in the comfort of home.

This article is written by or on behalf of an outsourced columnist and does not necessarily reflect the views of Castanet.

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About the Author

Kristin Peturson-Laprise is a customer experience specialist by trade, which means she is someone passionate about people having a good time. 

Her company, Wow Service Mentor, helps businesses enhance their customer experience through hands-on training, service programs, and special event coordination.

Kristin enjoys her own experiences too, and that is what she writes about in this column. She and her husband Martin Laprise (also known as Chef Martin, of The Chef Instead) love to share their passion for food and entertaining.  

Kristin says:

"Wikipedia lists a gourmand as a person who takes great pleasure in food. I have taken the concept of gourmandise, or enjoying something to the fullest, in all parts of my life. I love to grow and cook food, and I loved wine enough to become a Sommelier. I call a meal a success when I can convey that 'sense of place' from where the food has come . . . the French call that terroir, but I just call it the full experience. It might mean tasting the flavours of my own garden, or transporting everyone at the table to a faraway place, reminiscent of travels or dreams we have had."


E-mail Kristin at:  [email protected]

Check out her website here:  www.wowservicementor.com


The views expressed are strictly those of the author and not necessarily those of Castanet. Castanet does not warrant the contents.

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