What better month than February to focus on aphrodisiac foods?
Being the month of love, I thought I'd get you started with a bit of history and some ideas just in case you need a kick start for your Valentine's Day celebrations, or maybe even stay warm on a cold winter night.
Apples—The historical implication of the fruit from the Garden of Eden makes this an obvious choice. Some say it has the shape of a heart when cut open, which is suggestive. They are also a great energy food, a factor that might come in handy if you need a bit of a boost. And, if you don't find your libido lifting after biting into a juicy red apple, then at least you'll be healthy.
Bacon—Did you think I was going to say banana for B? That was far too obvious. So this entry isn't so much a healthy one, but you can't argue about many people's passion for pork, and especially bacon. I know of folks who call themselves vegetarians, but with the caveat that they refuse to give up bacon. Carnivorous passion could certainly be called primal, right?
Caviar, Champagne, Chocolate—There is a running theme here, isn't there? The romance created by these items is long known to set the mood, and that is half the battle in most situations. If your partner doesn't like these things, then set out what they do like. Maybe it's bacon (wink wink).
You get the idea, don't you? Some foods through history have been linked to sensual aromas, tastes or textures or suggestive shapes. Some raise body temperature (like chiles) while others spark mental or physical reactions that arouse us or make us feel loved (like the zinc in oysters). Any, or all, of these factors can help you to set your own scene for romance.
In today's age, we seem to need all the help we can get in making quality time work. So, why not try a new idea? Here are a few more foods that might strike your fancy:
Marshmallow—Originally, this sticky treat was made from mallow root and it has a long history of being used as a medicinal herb, curing all kinds of ails, including impotence, apparently. Today's recipe doesn't use the root but sweet and sticky creates its own mood, wouldn't you agree?
Shrimp—Many cultures have stories of the alluring qualities of this crustacean (other shellfish also qualify. (Remember actress Jessica Biel eating lobster in the movie Flashdance?) There is scientific background here as well. The iodine in shrimp is essential to our metabolism, and a low iodine level is linked to low sex drive. So, go ahead, have another one (I’m winking again).
Watermelon—The colour red is a good start and juicy foods are sexy to eat. If you practice, spitting the seeds can be sexy too! Again, there is a scientific basis to include the quintessential fruit of summer, it contains a phytonutrient called citrulline that helps to relax blood vessels, much like Viagra. Now don't get too excited, the citrulline is mostly in the rind. Research is of course underway to create a "souped-up" version but no luck yet.
Perhaps the concept of having the quality time is what you need to create a romantic evening, no television, no cell phones and no kids wanting your attention. But, since we are so unused to life without distractions, at least the food will help calm everyone's nerves and break the ice.
Bon appetit! And here’s to love and romance in every month of the year.
This article is written by or on behalf of an outsourced columnist and does not necessarily reflect the views of Castanet.