Federal Election 2015  

Albas: Voters got it right

Central Okanagan-Similkameen-Nicola MP elect, Dan Albas said the Canadian electorate got it right.

"They always get it right," said Albas of Monday's federal election results.

"I'm a big believer in democracy and the people are never wrong. As disappointing as it will be for many conservatives and people who supported the prime minister's vision ... this is Canada, and Canada is great because of our democracy

"Canadians have had stable, strong government ever since the prime minister took office in 2006, but clearly people wanted change and to go in a different direction. As parliamentarians, we have to respect that."

While disappointed in the national results, Albas was honoured his constituents had faith in him to give him another four years in Ottawa.

"It comes back to the reason I ran in the first place, to make sure the citizens I was working to represent receive proper representation in Ottawa so their voice is heard," said Albas.

As for working from an opposition seat, Albas said it shouldn't affect his ability to get the necessary federal funds to complete projects.

"For example, West Kelowna has a deep infrastructure challenge before it. I've had success working with ministers in the Conservative government because I've made a good business case for why those investments are important."

While it was a mixed day at the Albas camp, Liberal candidate Karly Scott was overjoyed.

"We have a Liberal majority government. This is what we all worked hard for," said Scott.

"This is such a euphoric feeling."

Scott, who had yet to concede personal defeat, asid she was not surprised by the national results.

"It's not surprising, but It's so nice to see it actually happen. All those conversations we've been having, all those doors we've been knocking on. All of the waving at people we've been doing and the honks and waves we got back have translated into a majority government."

Scott, a political rookie, said she was thrilled with her first foray into politics.

"We have a committed, tenacious, small but mighty team. I am so proud of the optimistic, forward-looking campaign that we ran."

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