Civic Election 2018  

The Coldstream candidates

There are roughly 8,030 registered voters in Coldstream.

The District of Coldstream voters will be voting for one mayor and six councillors for a four-year term.

Castanet has created candidate profiles for those running in Coldstream. 

Mayoral candidates

  • Bill Firman 
  • Jim D Garlick (i) (Did not participate)

Council candidates

Coldstream voting public will have two locations to cast a ballot in the 2018 municipal election today.

  • Coldstream Elementary School, 10104 Kalamalka Road, Coldstream
  • Lavington Elementary School, 9715 School Road, Coldstream

Apart from voting for your community's civic leaders, some voters in the North Okanagan will cast a ballot in a regional referendum. 

Voters in Coldstream, Vernon and Electoral Areas 'B' and 'C' will be asked if they support the creation of a Greater Vernon Cultural Service; and the borrowing of up to $25,000,000 ($25 million) by the RDNO for its portion of the funds required to build a multi-purpose cultural facility?

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