Civic Election 2018 News
Who is running in Enderby?
In Enderby, two candidates are running for mayor, while seven candidates are running for six council seats. Castanet invites the Enderby candidates to...
Who's running in Area B&C
General municipal election day is here. In the RDNO Electoral Areas 'B' and 'C' four people are running for director. Castanet invited...
SD 22 Trustees running
There are 13 candidates running for seven trustee spots on the Vernon School District (#22) Board of Education. Four Trustees from the City of Vernon and the...
Who is running in Vernon?
Municipalities across British Columbia will elect their civic leaders on October 20, 2018. In Vernon a near-unprecedented number of candidates have registered...
Internet, floods a big focus
This story is part of a series highlighting each director race within the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen. Click for stories on Area C, Area D, Area...
Voter turnout up in Vernon
It appears there is an increase in voter turnout in Vernon. Preliminary data provided by the City of Vernon shows that more voters cast a ballot this year in...
Candidates on public safety
There is perhaps no issue more emotionally charged in the 2018 municipal election than public safety. Public safety has been a topic debated in communities...
Civic candidates on PR Vote
The "Yes" side in the provincial electoral reform referendum has rolled out a list of local government candidates and elected officials who have...
Final advance polls today
Another opportunity to cast an early ballot in the 2018 municipal election. Uncertain who to vote for, below are candidate profiles for Vernon and the...
Attainable housing crisis
On Oct. 10, 2018, Castanet held a mayoral discussion with the four candidates running for mayor in the City of Vernon. The candidates were asked a number of...
Managing water a top issue
This story is part of a series highlighting each director race within the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen. Click for stories on Area C, Area D, Area E...
Final advance polls open
The final round of advance polls leading up to Saturday's civic elections are underway in Kelowna. Polls will be open today from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at four...
Poll numbers double
Nearly twice as many people cast ballots in advance polls in West Kelowna as four years ago. On Tuesday's final day, 1,240 votes were cast, compared with...
Candidates talk environment
On Oct. 10, 2018, Castanet held a mayoral discussion with the four candidates running for mayor in the City of Vernon. The candidates were asked a number of...
Better rural services needed
This story is part of a series highlighting each director race within the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen. Click for stories on Area C, Area D, and...
Basran: rumours not true
Kelowna Mayor Colin Basran is pouring cold water on a hot rumour. There has been speculation Basran would make a run at provincial politics if, as expected,...
More advance polls today
Advance polls are open again today in a few jurisdictions in the Central Okanagan ahead of Saturday's civic election. West Kelowna voters get their last...
Mayoral candidates talk pot
On Oct. 10, 2018, Castanet held a mayoral discussion with the four candidates running for mayor in the City of Vernon. The question that was posed to Victor...
Milsom returns to politics
Gord Milsom is making a return to politics after a four year absence. Milsom was an original West Kelowna councillor. He served the city for seven years before...
All candidates forum
The public is being invited to a free all candidates forum at the Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre. The event set for today ( Monday, Oct. 15, 2018)...