Are you earthquake prepared?
Total Votes:  280

Earthquake hits Queen Charlottes

One earthquake measuring 7.7 hit the Haida Gwaii area at 8:04 p.m., at 8:14 p.m. another quake struck, this time it was smaller at 5.8, according to the US Geographical Survey website. Several after shocks are also hitting the area.

A tsunami warning has been issued for the area.

Here are the details.

  • 7.7
  • Date-Time
  • Sunday, October 28, 2012 at 3:04:10 UTC
  • Saturday, October 27, 2012 at 8:04:10 p.m. at epicenter
  • Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
  • Location
  • 52.769°N, 131.927°W
  • Depth
  • 17.5 km (10.9 miles)
  • Region
  • Distances
  • 139 km (86 miles) S of Masset, Canada
  • 202 km (125 miles) SSW of Prince Rupert
  • 293 km (182 miles) SW of Terrace
  • 556 km (345 miles) NW of Campbell River

We will constantly be adding to this page as we get more reports in from our readers around the province, check back often. The most recent comments will be at the top of the following reports.


"I live in Armstrong. My girlfriend and i were watching tv when i notice the water in my 125 gallon aquarium start to swash back and forth, almost like small waves 1" to 2" in height. It went on for about 2 minutes then died down." - Justin

"I'm being a night owl in the Mission area of Kelowna and I just decided to check the news on Castanet before I called it a night and saw the earthquake report and noticed the reported. It just so happens that just after 8:00 p.m. I felt a sudden and weird sensation. I mentioned to my husband that I suddenly felt a bit unsteady and woozie. Also, and I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the earthquake, but my ear was aching and throbbing for just a few seconds.  It then stopped just as quickly as it started, as did the unsteadiness. Now I know why!" - Roni-Lee

"I live in Peachland and about the time of the earthquake our dogs were trembling and looking utterly freaked out! We thought it could be the rain but it was only for a few minutes and then they were fine; we didn't feel any shakes but noticed their odd behaviour." - Jessi Wall

"You said you wanted to know if people felt it. At about 8:09 pm in Rutland, I felt dizzy, thinking it was my cold, then my blinds started to sway, as well as my chandelier. I called my friends who live around me, and my mom, but no one else felt it. Thankfully I found out I wasn't going crazy!" - Delaney Cannell

"Check this out: The quake was felt in Penticton's south end.  Plants swayed and the large Westminster Clock pendulum was swaying against the glass as well as back and forth.  The place shook for about five seconds." - J.P.Quevillon

"We live in South Surrey, and our chandelier was swinging a lot." - Karen Diachuk

"As we were having dinner by the bridge in Kelowna, we observed our lights "moving back and forth and commented that we must be having an earthquake!!  Sure enough!!!" - Fred Behrner

"Felt it Okanagan Falls our dining room light was swinging" - Glenda 59

"Mission meadows here in Kelowna, dining room light and window blind swayed for several minutes on 2 occasions.  Didn’t realize it had been an earthquake until we followed-up with a quick search and found the blinds swaying in each of our rooms.  Very creepy!" - Mark Shalagan

"The chandelier was swinging in our house in Summerland but we didn't feel anything." - Andy Hamilton

"Felt my building shake and blinds swaying. I live in a condo in downtown Vancouver. Called my friend, thought I was crazy...turns out there was an earthquake!!! I'm from Saskatchewan and we don't get earthquakes there, so what a surprise!" - Grace Park

"We're 20 km. west of Smithers BC.  We were sitting on the bed when the house started swaying slowly.  It swayed back and forth for a matter of 10 or 15 seconds.  The lamps and clothes hangers looked like they had a mind of their own," says Mike Sanborn.

I live in Armstrong and noticed my dining room light swaying as well as my hanging drapes at approximately 8:08 p.m. I called my husband but he did not believe me.....  I also called our local radio station CJIB but the person answering did not belive me either," Colleen Murakami

"Hi, I live in Prince George  and my house shook for almost a minute... on the first quake but we didnt feel the aftershocks.  Our water cooler was sloshing around and the bedroom doors were swinging.  It actually made us dizzy," reports Lene Findlater.

"Our front entry light was swaying, then we noticed a hanging candle holder in the living room swaying even more; wondering what was going on and noticed hanging lights in the kitchen were swaying!," says Barb Scott.

"Hi just to also report we definitely felt the tremor as well , couldn't figure out why the tapping on the window was and also the hanging light in eating area was moving? Freaked me out , at around the exact time. Yes we did feel it," says Faye Filipchuk, from the lower Mission area of Kelowna.

Linda Clark says, "I live in Kelowna near the downtown area.  Although I did not feel any movement, I did notice my dining room light was swinging considerably for many minutes.  I immediately went on line and found out that there was an earthquake.  The light swayed a small amount when the next one hit, but definitely not like the first time."

Tracy Belrose says, "At 8:10 p.m. our blinds in our family room (8 sets) started swinging back and forth enough to hit against the window frame. When we heard the tapping of this we wondered why and then noticed our hanging dining room light was swinging in circles and a hanging basket chair we have was really swinging in a circular motion. We figured then that there had to have been an earthquake somewhere and that we were feeling it in Kamloops. I tried googling but couldn't find anything being said until I checked twitter. It was a wild sensation!

"I live in Vanderhoof  and my house was swaying. The chandelier was swaying, lamps were moving. it was crazy!! Our neighbors hanging basket was swaying back and forth. Definitely crazy!," says Karley S.

Did you feel it? Send us a note and any video to [email protected].


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