
Reminder to parents and pet owners to be vigilant during coyote mating season

It's coyote mating season

As coyote mating season fast approaches, parents and pet owners are reminded to be vigilant.

Mating season typically starts in February and lasts roughly four to six weeks.

"Coyotes are generally not dangerous to people but they can lose their fear of people in urban settings, particularly when they are fed, and can be a risk to small pets or unattended small children," says Andrea Wallace, Manager, wild animal welfare at the BC SPCA.

Easy steps parents can take during this time is to supervise children when they are playing outdoors. Similarly, pet owners should avoid letting their pets out unattended and for long periods of time, as the wild animal can target cats and dogs.

During this time, it's important for homeowners to maintain homes by removing anything that might attract coyotes.

To learn more about how humans can co-exist with wild coyotes, click here.

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