
BC Transit puts a rush on driver safety doors

Better bus protection coming

BC Transit is speeding up its install of protective doors for drivers on buses.

BC Transit is working with AROW Global Corporation and Kodiak Mobile Video Installations to complete the production and installation of driver shields on existing buses.

Door installations began in early May in Abbotsford and Chilliwack, and Kelowna will get its buses done in July. All remaining locations across the province are expected to be completed by fall 2020. 

BC Transit had already put the wheels in motion, but had to accelerate the work due to COVID-19. BC Transit says the work will cost approximately $850,000m and in total, 633 buses will be retrofitted. All new buses will arrive with the door pre-installed.

The new doors are designed to enhance protection for drivers. A Kelowna bus driver was attacked in late March and suffered serious cuts and scratches to his face.

BC Transit says buses will have temporary protection in place for both operators and passengers when they resume fare collection and front door loading on June 1.

BC Transit has also taken steps to ensure driver and passenger safety:

  • closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras
  • driver training to diffuse situations
  • partnerships with first responders
  • enhanced communication technology on board the bus including the radio system

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