
Cougar warning in city

Police in Nelson are issuing a public warning after a cougar was spotted Thursday night in the city’s biggest and busiest park.

The animal was spotted about 11 p.m. at Lakeside Park. Home of the city’s main beach and recreation grounds, hundreds of people visit the area daily.

“There’s no cause for alarm,” says conservation officer Sgt. Cynthia Mann. “We usually don’t respond to general sightings, unless there are several in an area and/or people or pets having encounters with an animal.”

Mann said there have been no other sightings recently of cougars in populated areas.

Anyone encountering a cougar is advised to stay calm, stand your ground and not back down. Back away slowly when safe to do so.

Raise your voice and speak firmly, raising your hands to look larger. Throw anything you might be holding at the animal, but don't bend down to pick up a rock, as this can trigger a pounce response.

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