BC Votes  

Campaign a learning process: Lakes

Tish Lakes knows they were the underdogs of the Westside-Kelowna riding.

The candidate for the NDP says although her party wasn't elected during Tuesday's provincial election, the whole campaign was a learning experience.

β€œIt's been an uphill struggle in the Okanagan for many years. It's a new constituency, so we were feeling out the votes. Of course, we would like to do better, but it's hard to assess because we can't even compare to these seats from the past,” says Lakes.

She says she is proud of the job done by NDP leader, Carole James.

β€œI think Carole worked really hard, she had the guts to take some unpopular positions, she was right on the carbon tax. Good for her to take that stand and good for her to be willing to challenge these beer store operators because there was a lot of misinformation out about that campaign. I'm sort of angry about the claim of the $3 beer hike, it's not true and that may well have cost us a lot of votes.”

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