
The view nearly 50 years ago from K.L.O. and Lakeshore

Then and now in Mission

These two photos are from different eras and different seasons. The lower photo was taken in the early summer of 2019 when the temperature was above 20 C.

In contrast, the upper historical photo was taken circa 1975. Based on the leafless trees and melting dirty snow patches it appears that it was probably taken in late winter or during a mid-winter, warming spell. From the shopping centre sign we can see a temperature reading of 2 C.

It is easy to spot some of the changes that have taken place in the nearly 45 years or so between the two images... differences, like sidewalks and solid pavement from one side of the road to the other, a dedicated cycling lane, a re-modeled shopping centre sign (without a temperature display), and the construction of a Starbucks Coffee shop over part of the original parking lot. In addition to the new buildings like Starbucks, the Bank of Montreal has more prominent signage on their corner location in the Mission Park Centre.

Across the road, the Siesta Motel has morphed into Siesta Suites and the A&W and other residences and businesses are now located in buildings constructed since 1975. The motel sign for an unidentified and unseen motel, located immediately south of Mission Park, is gone.

Where only trees appear on the 1975 image, visible in the current photo of Mission Park area is the top part of the Okanagan Heath Surgical Centre that was constructed in more recent times to the southeast on Richter Street.

These photos were taken very near where Lakeshore and K.L.O. roads intersect. The name of Lakeshore Road probably comes from its proximity to, and parallel symmetry with, the lakeshore. But what’s the source of the letters “K.L.O?”

They are the initials the “Kelowna Land and Orchard Company.” The company business plan was to purchase some 6,500 acres (over 26 square kilometres) of land south of Mission Creek and divide it up into hundreds of small farm plots. The K.L.O. company would promote the benefits of life in the Okanagan, encourage people to visit Kelowna and sell them “land and orchard properties.”

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Please email your comments and suggestion onto Terry at [email protected].

This article is written by or on behalf of an outsourced columnist and does not necessarily reflect the views of Castanet.

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About the Author

Terry W. Robertson received a bachelor of science degree in geology from UBC in 1970. His studies included physical geography, surveying and air-photo interpretation. Subsequently, he worked in petroleum exploration, initially based in Calgary and from 1978 to 1988 as an independent geological consultant working from his home the Okanagan.

In 1988, he left the oil industry and participated in the start-up and development of several small businesses in Lake Country, including a travel agency and a community newspaper which he edited and published from 1996 to 2003. With two children in local schools at the time and with a passion for politics, Terry was elected as the Lake Country trustee on the Central Okanagan School Board from 1990 to 2002.

He remains interested in politics and was an active supporter of the “Yes” side in the 2018 B.C. referendum on Proportional Representation. He enjoys getting outdoors, as well as travelling and exploring historic sites and museums. In addition, he likes to write about politics, history and geography.

Terry is interested in obtaining old (pre 1970)  photos of landscapes, street scenes or images of prominent structures from the Okanagan or Thompson region. If you possess any such images that you would permit him to copy and use in a future column, or have any comments about his column, please email him at [email protected].

The views expressed are strictly those of the author and not necessarily those of Castanet. Castanet does not warrant the contents.

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