Movies on Castanet


Release date: January 24, 2025

Following the death of her best friend, Chole (Callina Liang) and her family are moving into a beautifully renovated 100-year-old home in the suburbs. Upon their arrival, Chole immediately senses an uneasiness in their new home, which her mother (Lucy Liu), father (Chris Sullivan) and brother (Eddy Maday) chalk up to her grief and loneliness.

Little do they know that a fifth resident lies in the shadows of the house. This presence appears to be watching from every nook and cranny, occasionally taking a moment to remind its housemates that they are not alone.

Additional details

Genre: Horror

Runtime: 85 min

Director: Steven Soderbergh

Studio: Elevation Pictures

Producers: Julie M. Anderson, Ken Meyer

Screenplay: David Koepp

Cast: Lucy Liu,Chris Sullivan,Callina Liang,Julia Fox,Eddy Maday,West Mulholland

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