Penticton Scottish Festival 2025
Friday, July 4, 2025 8:00 AM
King’s Park, 550 Eckhardt Avenue West, Penticton
The Penticton Scottish Festival is a unique event that combines traditional Scottish Highland Games of musical and athletic competitions with Celtic cultural entertainment and family fun.
Competitive events such as Highland Dancing, Solo Bagpiping and Drumming and Heavy Events (stone put, hammer throw, weight for height, and the famous caber toss) start off the morning!
Don’t forget to watch the Massed Pipe Bands before the Award Ceremonies at the end of the day.
Adults can indulge in a Whiskey school and the beverage tent.
Our on-site food vendors and beverage area will keep you well-fed and hydrated.
Prior to June 30th – Online
Adult $17; Senior $13; Youth (13-18 years) $13; Children (6-12 years) $5; Kids 5 & Under FREE
After June 30th – Online
Adult $20; Senior $15; Youth (13-18 years) $15; Children (6-12 years) $5; Kids 5 & Under FREE
About the Penticton Scottish Festival Society Hosted by the Penticton Highland Games Association, the very first Highland Games in Penticton BC were held at King’s Park in May of 1964.
The Association Executive for the very first event were: John Robb (President), Mrs. C.C. Keller (Vice President), Iver Cameron (Secretary), and Howard Duncan (Treasurer). Judges included: James MacMillan and Robert Young (Piping), Robert Black (Drumming), and Mrs. Barbara Hayes and Mrs. Helen Sommer (Highland Dancing). Pipers for the dance competition were Bruce Topp, Bill Reid, and Bill Elder. The price of the souvenir program was a whopping 25 cents! The next event was held in the 1980s under the new name, Interior Highland Games. By 1991 it had reverted back to Penticton Highland Games and became a permanent fixture in Penticton until the mid 2000s. This annual event stopped, for a variety of reasons, including volunteer burnout.
The Penticton Scottish Festival Society was founded in 2013 by a core group of enthusiastic volunteers. The first Penticton Scottish Festival was held on July 5th , 2014 in King’s Park. We were so excited to be back!
The Penticton Scottish Festival has continued to acquire new members who have brought interesting and innovative ways to make the Festival a success. Robbie Burns Night at the Lakeside Resort has become one of our most well-attended fundraisers.
Dates, Times & Tickets
Jul 4
Jul 4
Jul 5
Jul 5