
Worried about masterminds

Re. Troy Gangl's letter We are watched, tracked (Castanet, Jan 31)

I don’t know if the author of this letter wrote it tongue-in-cheek or if he is serious.

He states, "As previously ruled in court, if someone doesn't want to be recorded on cameras, they shouldn’t go out in public.”

Really? Is that the kind of world he wants to live in?

That is like tax authorities saying if you’ve got nothing to hide, they should have access to your finance records.

I want the world as it used to be when I was a boy—not perfect but a lot freer. I value my privacy and I don’t have to explain it or apologize for it to anyone.

It seems to me that in the headlong rush to totalitarianism and the seduction of a digitally-controlled world, we’ve forgotten we’re humans. We’re far from perfect, but let’s work on improving ourselves instead of leaving it up to the “masterminds” who’ve created this dystopian, control-freak perfect world scenario.

Steve Friedman, West Kelowna

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