
TNRD approves new mosquito treatment contracts for numerous towns, electoral areas

Millions for skeeter control

TNRD directors have rubber stamped a pair of pricer contracts to keep mosquito surveillance and abatement buzzing in seven Electoral Areas and six cities.

The board unanimously approved two, five-year contracts to deliver mosquito surveillance and reduction programs.

Setetkwe Environmental received a $1,625,000 contract to deliver the treatment program in the Thompson region, and will oversee operations in the municipalities of Barriere, Chase, Clearwater, Kamloops, Logan Lake and Sun Peaks, as well as in Electoral Areas “A,” J,” “L,” “O” and “P”.

The contract comes with fixed rates in the first three years and charge-out rates in the final two years based on the consumer price index.

Area A director Usoff Tsao recused himself from this vote due to a conflict of interest as his alternate director is the owner of Setetkwe.

Duka Environmental Services received a $375,000 contract to deliver its services in the Nicola Valley Electoral Areas “M" and "N". The contract is a fixed price deal over the entire term.

The proposed contact for Setetkwe is a 19 per cent increase from the previous five-year agreement which was valued at $1,360,000 over the same term.

Two proposals were received and evaluated for the Thompson area contract, and Setetkwe received the highest score from the evaluation committee of 92 out of a possible 100 points.

Duka also received a score of 92m and has been TNRD’s service provider in Nicola Valley area for the past eight years.

Its contract for areas M and N is a 35 per cent higher than its last contract for the last five years, which was valued at $277,205.

Both new contracts have already been incorporated into the upcoming budget.

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