A cat-ski operator living off grid in the Monashee Mountains spotted something he can't explain in the sky east of Kelowna Thursday night.
"We're way up by Granby Provincial Park, which is in the Kootenay-Boundary, Okanagan border high above the Christian Valley," says Kerry Penney owner of Powder Ridge Catskiing.
Penney says he has been living off-grid for years working on his new cat-skiing operation. He and his family and co-workers spend hours and hours staring at the night sky.
"We saw Elon Musk's satellites, we see shooting stars. We're super high up there's no light. Our closest neighbour is 47 kilometres away. We're a 35-kilometre snowmobile ride up the mountain once you park your car."
"We're in the middle of nowhere. So we pay attention to the sky because it's always just such a big sky."
Penney says typically when he sees an airplane flying over he can also hear it because it's so quiet.
"We've seen so many satellites, so many airplanes. We hear airplanes every day and see them every night. None of them actually did what that thing did," said Penney.
He shared a video with friends and family and his dad said he should share it with Castanet to see if anyone else saw something similar on the night of Jan. 23.
Penney says he is working to build the lodge for his cat-skiing business so he always has workers and people around.
"I got two guys up there with me full time they see all this stuff too, and they're like, that's not normal."
Penney says he has no idea what the light could be but he's pretty sure he knows what it isn't.
"Silent, no noise. We hear airplanes at night, so it's just a weird thing. We see lots of satellites. We know what a satellite looks like. We even saw that big stream of 12 of them in a row. This was just nothing like we've ever seen that's why we videoed this one," says Penney.
According to NASA, unique things in the sky this month include the Quadrantid meteors, and a 'planet parade' that features seven planets all visible all at once in a line in the sky.
Another possible explanation could be the International Space Station, which is visible in the evenings over the Kelowna area right now. A lists viewing opportunities is here.