Re. Frank Martens’s letter Ban Trump from visiting (Castanet, Jan. 22)
Apparently, days after the inauguration of incoming U.S. President Donals Trump, (the writer) already does not agree with the new Trump administration policies. His mind is made up that all other countries should not allow Trump or any members of Congress into their respective countries.
His mind is also made up that the world no longer would benefit from any U.S. embassies or diplomacy around the world, and any U.S. citizen living abroad should be kicked out.
Also, his mind is made up that anyone who voted for Trump (more than 77 million) are less intelligent than who? Him?
As far as anyone needing to learn a lesson in democracy and diplomacy, maybe he should take a good look in the mirror. Just because he is offended by the election of Trump, that doesn’t mean he is right.
Duane Arthur