
Union rally planned today for ferry workers still on strike

BCGEU solidarity rally

In order to “amplify” workers’ voices and call attention to fair contracts a solidarity rally for BCGEU ferry workers is being planned today.

At 3:30 p.m. the B.C. General Employees’ Union (BCGEU) workers will gather at the Balfour Ferry Terminal to support workers from Western Pacific Marine who have been on strike for over two months.

“Our members live and work in these communities and deeply care about the impact this is having on everyone,” said BCGEU president Paul Finch in a statement released Tuesday evening.

“The decision to take job action is never an easy one. Western Pacific Marine refuses to offer the same wages and working conditions as other ferry operators in the region, forcing a prolonged strike and hurting local residents who rely on these services.”

A release from the union explained that the rally’s aim is to “amplify the workers' voices and call attention to the critical importance of fair contracts in maintaining the quality of public services like ferry transportation.”

The rally could regain some public support the union lost when it was prepared to move ahead with a B.C. Labour Relations Board (LRB) job action directive to reduce cable ferry sailings to the water-access only communities of Glade, Harrop and Procter.

On Jan. 5 the LRB reversed its ruling and declared that cable ferry operations would continue indefinitely as normal from Jan. 6.

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