Oliver & Osoyoos  

Semi-truck driver who landed in Osoyoos Lake triggered assessment of $150K repairs

$150K fix after semi snafu

A semi-truck driver whose GPS wrongly directed them into Osoyoos Lake has since triggered an assessment of the town's boat launch, now requiring roughly $150,000 in repairs.

In April of last year, the driver landed in metaphorical hot water when they couldn't get out of the marina and required police help to get out. That mishap prompted the Town of Osoyoos to take a closer look at its boat launch.

However, the damage caused by the truck was minimal, especially compared to boaters incorrectly power loading, when the boat's motor is used to launch.

The area will need to be dredged, said Gerald Davis, Osoyoos director of community services.

Davis added that the concrete slabs of the launch have shifted, and a large hole has been left behind.

According the to U.S. Department of Natural Resources, power loading can cause the end of a ramp to collapse entirely.

Osoyoos' Wakepilot typically monitors the marina for power loading, but Davis said people have caused damage over time.

Davis said that the Osoyoos Marina boat launch shouldn't require power loading.

Instead, people should enter the lake at a low speed with their trailer level to the water.

For more information on the Osoyoos Marina and boaters guides click here.

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