
City of Vernon will continue to have volunteer 'auxiliary' fire fighters

Volunteer fire crew remains

The City of Vernon will continue to have volunteer firefighters after its current agreement expires.

On Friday, a declassified council item was released ahead of Vernon's regular council meeting, which said the Vernon Volunteer Firefighters Association agreement would not be renewed when it expires at the end of 2025.

Castanet asked for a copy of the report mentioned in the declassified motion, but the city was unable to provide one before the time of publication. Now, the city is clarifying the reason for the expiration and what it means for volunteer, or auxiliary, firefighters.

“The agreement is no longer required, as the provisions contained within it have been integrated into [Vernon Fire Rescue Services] operations, budget, and employment practices,” said the city in a news release.

“This reflects the evolving relationship between the city and its auxiliary firefighters, with no further need for an agreement of this nature.”

Auxiliary firefighters are paid employees of Vernon Fire Rescue Services, with the term volunteer being historical and not reflective of the relationship between the city and auxiliary firefighters.

Once the current VVFA agreement expires, auxiliary firefighters will continue to be employed by the city with the same status and responsibilities.

The city currently employs 13 auxiliary firefighters who will remain city employees after the expiry of the agreement. The city also says it will continue to recruit more auxiliary firefighters.

Vernon council did not discuss the declassified motion any further in Monday's regular council meeting.

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