Re. Clark says she 'misspoke' (Castanet, Jan 11)
Former B.C. premier Christy Clark claims she “misspoke” when she said she was never a member of the (federal) Conservative Party.
The definition of “misspoke” is, to say something incorrectly, inaccurately or unclearly, often unintentionally”. The definition of “lie” is, to tell an untruth, pretend with intent to deceive.”
According to the report on Castanet, Christy Clark was, indeed, a member of the Conservative Party from June 2, 2022 until June 30, 2023.
We certainly don’t need her in Ottawa. There are already too many (Pinocchio-like) politicians with "their pants on fire" in Parliament and the heat is scorching all of Canada.
(To her, I say) please, for the sake of us all, abandon your silly notion of becoming (federal liberal leader and) prime minister of Canada.
We had enough of her in Victoria.
Dennis Cooper, Lake Country